Call for Workshops & Tutorials

The International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN) is a highly-selective single-track international conference focusing on the latest research results on embedded systems and wireless networking, which are key enablers for visionary scenarios in fields such as the Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems.

Building on the past 20 years of success, the 21st edition will be held in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The conference continues its aim for broad, world-wide impact, and its proceedings will be indexed in the ACM Digital Library, SCOPUS, and other prominent digital libraries.


Workshop and tutorial proposals should be no longer than four pages, and must contain at least the following information, structured in basic and extended information.

Basic information (required)

  • Name of the Workshop/Tutorial
  • Abstract, description, objectives, and motivation (please also define the topics to be addressed, emphasizing their timeliness)
  • Name, affiliation, and short bio (up to 200 words) of the organizers
  • Expected number of participants
  • Information on event history (recurring workshop? tutorial already provided before?)
  • Description of the publicity plan
  • Venue requirements (room space, technical equipment needed)
  • List of special requirements / specific restrictions

For tutorial proposals

  • Outline of the tutorial, including a tentative time schedule
  • If applicable, experiences of the co-chairs with tutorials offered in the past
  • Requirements for the attendees (e.g., own laptop or other hardware, familiarity with certain technologies, necessary preparations, etc.)

For workshop proposals

  • Expected number of submissions
  • Motivation for the workshop and reasons why the workshop is of current interest
  • Brief statement about how the workshop relates to other workshops/conferences on similar topics (if appropriate) and the workshop would be positioned with regard to the topics traditionally covered by EWSN
  • Draft version of the Call for Papers, as complete as possible, including workshop deadlines (which should be aligned with the important dates below)
  • A tentative list of prospective TPC members (names and affiliations)
  • The planned format of the workshop, including expected number of presented papers, invited/keynote talks, panels, posters/demonstrations, or any other means to facilitate lively discussions and attendee involvement
  • A statement about the preferred submission management system
  • In case of a recurring workshop, the following aspects should be also clarified: (i) history of the workshop, including number of submitted and accepted papers, and attendee count; (ii) if the workshop was co-located with another conference, a comment on why EWSN is a more appropriate venue


Workshop and tutorial proposals should be submitted in a single PDF file, not exceeding 4 pages, to the Workshop and Tutorial Co-chairs: Abusayeed Saifullah, Wayne State University, USA (, Hadi Otrock, Khalifa University, EAU (, and Nathalie Mitton, Inria, France (

Important dates

Workshops & Tutorials Proposal Deadline March 1, 2024 (AoE, 23:59 UTC-12)
Notification of Selected Workshops & Tutorials March 11, 2024
Workshop Papers Submission Deadline June 30, 2024 (AoE, 23:59 UTC-12)
July 21, 2024 (AoE, 23:59 UTC-12)
Workshop Papers Notification September 10, 2024
Workshop Papers Camera Ready Deadline October 6, 2024
Workshops & Tutorials Date December 10, 2024
Main conference December 11-13, 2024


Workshops and tutorials organizers should take into account the following considerations:

  • The organizers will be responsible for managing their workshop/tutorial and coordinating with the local arrangements chairs of EWSN 2024 for facilities, and with the publication chairs.
  • The workshop organizers will be responsible for managing the paper submission site and also for the review process for the selected workshops.
  • Workshop papers should meet the ACM digital library requirements and can be up to 6 pages long.
  • A series of joint calls for papers for all workshops will be sent by the EWSN’24 publicity chairs. The publicity co-chairs will not send e-mails for each individual workshop.
  • Workshops and tutorials will take place on the day preceding the main conference. Tentatively, they will start after a plenary introduction session in the early morning, will conclude in the early afternoon, and will be followed by the plenary PhD School & Community Event.