Calls & Submission

Call for Papers


The International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN) is a highly selective single-track international conference focusing on the latest research in embedded systems and wireless networking and their role as key enablers for visionary scenarios such as the Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems. The TPC encourages new platforms and software systems that enable sensing, wireless, and other embedded applications. Building on the past 20 years of success, the 21st edition will be held in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The conference continues its aim for broad, world-wide impact.

While the conference welcomes all papers that are within the scope described above, this year’s edition of EWSN will also highlight a FEATURE TOPIC in the area of: Intelligent and Resilient Networked Embedded Systems. This conference will seek workshops and tutorials in this general area and will feature keynote speakers with this focus.

Specific topics for the conference include (but are not exclusively limited to):

  • AI-operated wireless sensing, actuation, and control systems
  • Applications and opportunities for networked embedded systems in developing countries and emerging markets
  • Applications of wireless embedded networks in varied domains (e.g., health, automation, manufacturing, transportation, etc.)
  • Architectures and infrastructures for edge-cloud continuum solutions that integrate networked embedded systems
  • Communication and networking for wireless and embedded systems
  • Computing architectures for networked embedded systems
  • Dependability in wireless systems, including reliability, availability, safety, and real-time guarantees
  • Edge intelligence paradigms, models, and techniques for ecosystems of networked embedded systems
  • Empirical studies, measurement, validation, deployment, and experience reports
  • Human-centric interaction with wireless and embedded systems
  • Localization and context-awareness for embedded wireless systems and networks
  • Machine learning and data mining of and for wireless and embedded networks
  • Modeling, simulation, and measurement tools for wireless systems and applications
  • Neuromorphic communication networks
  • Next generation wireless networks, including 6G
  • Operating systems, middleware, and services for networked embedded systems
  • Privacy and security in networked embedded systems and applications
  • Processing, storage, and management of data in embedded wireless networks
  • Programming paradigms, languages, and tools for creating networked embedded systems
  • Services and wireless networking for cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things
  • Sustainability of networked embedded systems (low-power operation, energy harvesting, etc.)
  • Sustainability applications of networked embedded systems to broader sustainability challenges

Important dates

EWSN 2024 will have two submission deadlines, one in the winter and one in the summer.

Winter deadline Summer deadline
Paper registration and
abstract submission deadline
Thu, February 15, 2024

Sun, February 4, 2024

Mon, June 24, 2024

Mon, June 3, 2024

Paper submission deadline Thu, February 15, 2024

Sun, February 4, 2024

Mon, June 24, 2024

Mon, June 10, 2024

Notification of reviews Mon, March 25, 2024 Mon, August 12, 2024
Rebuttal deadline Sun, April 7, 2024 Sun, September 1, 2024
Notification of acceptance Sat, April 27, 2024 Mon, September 16, 2024
Camera-ready deadline Sun, May 19, 2024 Sun, October 6, 2024
Conference dates Tue-Fri, December 10-13, 2024


Any paper submitted to EWSN 2024 must be original (i.e., not previously published) and not currently under review by any other conference or journal. All submissions in scope of EWSN are equally welcome, and all submissions will be evaluated based on the same criteria.

The conference will accept two types of papers – Full Papers (max 12 pages) and Short Papers (max 6 pages). All papers should present original research in the scope described above. No submission should have been published, accepted for publication, or be under review by any other venue (including other conferences, workshops, or journals). Short papers are intended to present preliminary research results or advocate for new research directions; their titles will be prepended with “Vision paper: / Position paper: / WiP paper” in the final proceedings. Note that EWSN 2024 intends to accept a small number of Short Papers to be presented together in a single dedicated session of the conference. Authors should carefully consider the distinction between Full Papers and Short Papers; papers submitted in one category will not be considered in the other category as part of the review process.

EWSN 2024 will use a double-anonymous review policy during the initial paper review. Authors are instructed to not include their names, affiliations, and contact information on the manuscript they submit for review. Authors should also anonymize the content of their paper to hide their identity. Reviewers will not know the identity of the authors until an outcome is decided for the paper. Only PC chairs will know the identity of the authors and be able to interact with them during the review process, should the need arise. Submissions which are not properly anonymized will be rejected without being reviewed. To promote early dissemination, submission to arXiv (or similar) is allowed, provided cross-citations are not made. I.e.,

  • You MAY post a version of your paper on arxiv that lists the names of the authors within the posted version.
  • You MAY NOT reference this arxiv version of your paper from the paper submitted for review at EWSN (this is one half of the cross-citation restriction).
  • You MAY NOT reference your submitted EWSN under review paper in the arxiv paper (this is the other half of the cross-citation restriction).
  • You MAY reference the arxiv paper in any other papers you submit for review at other conferences.
  • You MAY NOT reference your submitted EWSN under review paper in any other papers you submit for review at other conferences.
  • Once your paper is accepted, you MAY reference your EWSN paper (you can use "accepted, to appear" until the conference actually happens).

Submission will be via HotCRP:

Decisions will be: accept, reject, or one-shot revision; papers receiving a “one-shot revision” for the winter deadline will be invited to submit a revised paper by the summer deadline.

Authors of papers rejected in the winter cycle may submit a revised paper in the summer cycle along with a cover letter explaining how/why the new revision addresses all the concerns raised by the reviewers.
Should the program chairs deem this revision to be sufficient, the paper will be considered as a new submission for the summer cycle. Papers submitted to the summer deadline that are deemed by the program chairs to be too similar to a paper rejected from the winter review cycle will be returned without review.

Pages must use 8.5″ x 11″ (letter) two-column format, using 10-point type on 11-point leading, with a maximum text block of 7″ wide x 9″ deep with an inter-column spacing of .25″. Submissions with a page size of 11.7 x 8.3 ” (297 x 210 mm / A4) will not be accepted. The page limits include figures, tables, and references. Authors may use the ACM templates for convenience (e.g., on Overleaf here).

All accepted conference and workshop papers, as well as poster, demo, PhD forum, and competition abstracts will be included in the conference proceedings. The proceedings will be indexed in the ACM Digital Library, SCOPUS, and other prominent digital libraries.

Generous cash awards sponsored by the Technology Innovation Institute will be provided to the best paper, best paper runner-up, and the best presentation award.